Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Some new Youtube videos about immortality

I've watched some Youtube videos recently on how they relate to immortality.
I've also sent both letters and emails to 5 or 6 immortality-focused organizations, that have a biology underbasis. I'm optimistic that I might sensible returns, but I'm also aware that my mail has been tampered with and there's a censor on me.
The organizations are here below:

MaximumLife Foundation
Fight Aging
SENS Research Foundation
The Buck Institute for Research on Aging

I found most of these from the SENS Research Foundation, and by using google to find similar sites.
I think google is tampered with, and I'm never going to find perfect results from it, but sometimes I'm optimistic that I'll find a new research results to my most favorite questions. You can contact them, and then lead them back here, and to my other blog:

The Youtube videos:
Thoughty2 - Can you live forever?
TedX Talks: Seeking immortality: Aubrey de Grey at TEDxSalford
Vsauce3 - Could you live forever?

With the Vsauce I feel my intelligence and education are above what they have mostly been presenting. A lot of it has to do with Michael Stevens trying to comprehend the age of the Earth and billions of years of Time, that I have some major resentment for.

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