Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Some more links about Zoltan Istvan and Immortality

While following through with my previous post, I decided to post some more links to "immortality and Zoltan Istvan"-themed videos.

Zoltan Istvan - Immortality Within Reach
Aging Reversed Youtube Channel
David Sinclair - Close To Reversing Aging
Real Future: Meet Zoltan Istvan, the Transhumanist Running For President (Episode 5)
Joe Rogan Experience #584 - Zoltan Istvan
The Beauty of Being Alive | Zoltan Istvan | TEDxTransmedia
What If You Could Live for 10,000 years? Q&A with Transhumanist Zoltan Istvan
Zoltan Istvan - Indefinite Life Extension

I haven't watched all of these, but I definitely believe that none of them are "right on the line of the truth" of immortality and the soul. Maybe the censorship of the soul and immortality reach to Zoltan Istvan as well, or he's just never discovered TIME (the religion) or supermassive intelligence before. There have got to be super-computers with better answers to immortality than this.
I also believe that Zoltan's non-mentioning of religion as an answer to immortality is a little limiting and predictable, and makes him the same as a ton of other scientists whose brains and souls have never awoken to the truth.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A new video on youtube about immortality.

Here is the link:
Immortality is REAL? - The Know

Following another mention of Ray Kurzweil, I wrote a letter to him and will send it as soon as I find a mailing address for him. I also changed a paragraph of the letter and addressed it to Zoltan Istvan, another Immortality advocate.
I really hope I get a response this time.