The story begins in 2009, in a house about a mile away from the University of Washington.
A biology student decided to lie down on his bed after an hour of routine studying and has a dream. Years of bored neurons had been growing in wait for this chance to activate.
The student had a dream about becoming an immortal. Classes at the University of Washington do not say anything about immortality, or even acknowledge that such a thing is possible. It is true then, that the student had a dream about something that wasn't possible according to science, but only possible according to a dream.
Little snippets of class had come out, been rearranged into new meanings, and constructed a new reality in which immortality was possible. The wonder of the human brain is that it is capable of remembering things and retrieving them, but not always according to the demands of a university.
Here, the student found that his brain was working quite out of normal bounds, and instead of working for the fulfillment of the purpose of studying, it had secretly been thinking about things which weren't even possible according to his biology program.
First he had a dream that he was a magician, and that he had magick which was a product of his soul. Years of reading books and watching television had prepared him with several possibilities as to how these were possible. The Christian religion gave him the idea that it was a soul which allowed him to have magick. The books of fantasy gave him the idea that blood and body parts allow for magick to be born.
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